Our Story

By Edit Studio is a Mother and Daughter team, it has been in our minds for such a long time. Many hours have been spent daydreaming, our holidays spent people watching and talking through our imaginary designs over a glass of Rosè.
We were always waiting for the perfect time to start our dream. Until one day things clicked and we realised we just needed to start, perfect timings don’t exist.
Beth comes from a fashion background, and has worked for several well known names head offices across buying and merchandising, while Justine has co-owned a successful business for 25 years creating the perfect combination of skills.
Our vision is considered edited clothing. With curated items you’ll want to carry through season to season. Highlighted with some limited editions. We have started with our glamorous sleepwear, which if your anything like us and love beautiful yet comfortable pyjamas you won’t be disappointed.
This is just the start of the journey and we have plenty more items in the pipeline. Only working with small batch factories who will support our aim to improve sustainability.
Always dream big
With love,
Bethany and Justine x